Is it time to streamline? Expand? Explore new possibilities for your business?

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Hey there, I’m Tori and I work in the trenches with small business owners who know it takes a lot more than a pretty website to succeed.

My clients are savvy and scrappy. They started their businesses by doing everything themselves and gained enough online experience to know it’s time to make improvements—on the screen and behind the scenes. They’re tired of working long hours trying to figure out the best ways to increase their visibility, traffic, and profits. And they’re skeptical of website designers who charge a lot but can’t back their designs up with proven business strategies and results.

That’s where I come in.


I’m an authorized Squarespace trainer and designer. But the most important thing you need to know?

I have almost a decade of experience helping passionate people build solid, sustainable businesses that enable them to live and work the way they want. You know...the reasons they started their businesses in the first place.

Things like:

  • Increased opportunities to travel

  • A flexible schedule that gives them more time with their families

  • An income that isn’t limited by an employer

But what often happens instead is—small business owners end up doing everything themselves—the hard way, the long way, the stressful way.

If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place!


My clients consider me their business whisperer.

I have a business degree and a professional accounting background and have worked with entrepreneurs at every rung of success.


I’ve seen a thing or two go down and could tell you some crazy behind-the-scenes escapades of business wins and flops. Long story short...I know what works and what doesn’t and I’m passionate about helping my clients shortcut, streamline, and expertly strategize their path to better profits.

Here are some ways I can help:

  • Let’s figure out why your profits are flat (because if you don’t know what’s wrong, you won’t know what to fix)

  • Get fit with the right technology to do and sell more with streamlined ease (I’ll teach you how to use the exact tools you should be using)

  • Learn about the marketing things you’re secretly intimidated by—like email campaigns, sales funnels, and conversion strategies. Then, take organized action (rather than throw a bunch of miscellaneous marketing noodles against the wall)

  • Get an expertly designed Squarespace website with a solid marketing foundation (because we all know Squarespace’s out-of-the-box templates are blah, lifeless, and have zero conversion juice)

  • Enjoy ongoing training so you can learn to use your Squarespace site as a business optimization tool (saving you loads of time, energy, and money)


If you’re tired of going it alone and fighting with technology...

If you know your business has serious potential, but aren’t sure what to do to realize it…

If you want a genuine, experienced online business expert you can trust—someone who’ll give it to you straight (friendly-like) so you can stop getting tangled in the weeds of overwhelm…


Then we should chat

Click below to schedule your 20 minute free consultation